bit. Data Driven
We process complex data into plain and custom graphics and understandable information.
bit. your technological advancement partner for your business solutions.
You are becoming a part of bit. to inovate further with ease and relibility. bit. mission to deliver hundred perecent quality for future developement. bit. is your most realible partner to conquer the desire for success in every aspect of business development.
bit. outsourcing and multi sourcing
bit. outsourcing and multisourcing is a reilable way for a hastle free tasks accomplishment that enables businesses across the globe to evaluate more budgtet firendly work force. The narrowing down on internal expenses help business to earn bigger profits.
Listen to the numbers
We process complex data into plain and simple information graphics.
With your data products achieving excellence for future .
Our team of robotics to deliver ideas into reality.
Simplified process to acquire bit. services, for one place solution for all business needs.
bit. can transform and deliver tested and ready to deploy ML, DL and neural network models while ensuring accuracy.
bit. is your reliable partner in any form of analytics required, transforming key decisions making steps easier.
bit. outsourcing and multi sourcing is the most trusted way to monitor 24/7 process with the help of automation and trained teams.
Data Scientist Muhammad Saad
CEO & Founder
“Passion & enthusiastically driven to build trustworthy relationships globally with dedication in advancement of technology, outbrusting the desire to deliver continuous improvement and total quality”
Big Data
Trend & traffic analysis.
bit. expertise towards targeted approach in finding potentials and predicting values helps company grow faster. Opening doors for smarter and efficient ways to counter upcoming challenges in the era of competitiveness.
Real-time data solutions.
bit. provides real-time data analytics applications as per industry needs for monitoring 24/7 process and operations. Our trained team of analytics can provide 24/7 support to business with ease and relaibility.
Pattern detection & analysis.
bit. as a data oriented company equips you with the ability to determine key aspects of business. Detecting certain behaviours can help prevent losses if detected or predicted at earliest. Our team of Data Scientist can help you detect pattren detections.
bit. provide wide range of Business Solutions
bit. excels in comprehensive range of business solutions with ultimate goal to provide our clients with continuous improvement and total quality for their required needs. bit. will always entertain its client with trustworthy actions to overcome challenges with speed and accuracy.
Trusted by top brands
Get Started with bit.
bit. your technological advancement partner for all your business needs.
Gulshan-e-Iqbal Karachi, Pakistan